Loaf 61 – Ciabatta Rolls for Sandwiches

Part of my collection of accidentally deleted pictures.

Since Eric was going to be home for a few days I made a bunch of ciabatta sandwich rolls. I followed the same Reinhart ciabatta recipe as before with modifications in the shaping phase.

The dough was mixed the evening before and spent the night in the fridge. I removed it from the fridge at 8:15am, let it rest until 9:15, then pre-shaped two large loaves (about 600g each). At 10:20 I cut each large loaf into six smaller pieces, and put them on cookie pans to rise until 11:15. The cookie pans were a bad idea – it was very difficult to pick them up to move them onto parchment paper for baking, many of them ended up getting distorted.

I baked in two batches, ½ hour apart. The difference in proofing time was not noticeable between the rolls.

The only change I would make to the process next time (other than not using cookie pans) would be to bake them a little less and not vent the steam. The crusts are too crispy for sandwiches.