Loaf 97 – Lean Loaves for Family

I’m on a holiday bread-gifting roll. I baked these loaves for my Mom and sister.

Even nicer looking gifts.

Even nicer looking gifts.

Happily I got the “pretty loaf mojo” back – these popped in the oven beautifully, making nice ears and a wonderful golden crust. I proofed them for 1:40, only 10 minutes less than Loaf 95, which didn’t open up. Both batches were proofed in a cool oven. These were batards rather than bannetons, and I uncovered the halfway through; perhaps that kept them from rising as much.

To make the crust extra crunchy I left them in the oven with the door cracked open for a few minutes after they were done. The extra dry heat dries out the crust even more.

They fit perfectly in wine bottle gift bags.