Loaf 95 – Lean Bread for Gifts

Along with Loaves 94, these are gifts for family. I wasn’t real happy with these loaves from an aesthetic angle.

  • They came out asymmetrical , rising more in the front than the back. I know my oven’s heat is pretty even, so it may be that I didn’t score them consistently along the length.
  • The ears didn’t really develop, and I’m trying to figure out why. Judging from the picture just before they were baked, the lamé was angled about right. One possibility is that I over-proofed a bit – the loaves proofed for 1:50, but they did it in a cool oven (about 80°), which speeds up the process.
  • And finally, I left them in the oven a couple minutes too long and they started to discolor.

I’m sure they were delicious, though. (I hope, I hope, I hope.)