With only one full day left in New Zealand we pondered the many things that were available to do and finally decided on taking a boat tour of the Bay of Islands. We drove into ‘town,’ had lunch and shopped around a bit. There was an Arts ‘n’ Crafts fair in full bloom because of the Princess Cruise that was doubling the size of the population for a day and we learned about what a lot of people’s ‘winter hobbies’ are.

Our ride. (The big yellow one.)
At 1:30 we launched on our biofueled, twin hull, three decks tall, bright yellow behemoth. Because it was still early in the season the boat was only about quarter full, which gave everyone great seats inside and out.
The first stop was Black Rocks, a set of small short islands created by lava. The low tide waterline is covered with green lipped mussels, which waiters had been trying to get us to eat since Wellington – evidently quite the delicacy.

Black Rocks

A beautiful cove on Motuarohia Island in the Bay of Islands, NZ. At high tide it becomes two islands.
Dolphins were spotted by another boat across the bay, so we raced over to see them. We found two boats in a small cove that were both swim-with-the-dolphins tours so we pulled in and watched. Sarah and I had decided not to do a dolphin swim tour today, but we both agreed that maybe we should have – it looked like a blast. The funniest part was the tour guides on the boats yelling “Look down!” to the swimmers. Evidently people float around on the surface looking across the water for fins and forget that any dolphin close enough to see will likely be swimming around underneath them. The bottlenose dolphin pod that was there had about a dozen members that were just as curious about the people. This form of swimming with the dolphins is just about being in the water observing them. The dolphins are wild, so there isn’t any petting going on and no rides while you hold their fins. They would jump occasionally and slap their tails on the water, and seemed to enjoy swimming around the people.

Swimmers and dolphins
The farthest point out on the boat tour is “Hole in the Rock.” Neither Sarah nor I were terribly excited about that part of the tour, we’ve seen plenty of rock arches before. When we first saw the hole it looked a lot like all the others. But the scale was very deceiving – the closer we got the bigger the hole got. A rock in the middle of the water offers no clues as to its size, and by the time we were in front of it there appeared to be enough room to motor a small boat through. Then our captain put the boat into reverse and started backing in. We were standing on the top deck of a three deck boat – easily twenty five feet off the water – with a radar pillar and antennae jutting high above us; it was clear that backing into the rock was a bad idea. Then the hole got bigger. And bigger. Within a couple minutes our boat was swallowed up by the Hole in the Rock, with plenty of headroom above us. The southern gap of the hole is narrower at the waterline, so there wasn’t comfortable clearance for us to go all the way through, but we sat inside for quite awhile marveling at the actual size and snapping hundreds of touristy pictures that will all fail to convey any sense of being there.

"Hole in the Rock." It looks small, but picture our entire three deck boat inside it with plenty of room to spare.

Aft view. We couldn't back in any further.

View over the bow. This conveys a bit of the scale. I would have needed two cameras to get it all in one shot.
The final stop was a port of call in Otehei Bay, where we disembarked for an hour to hike around. From the lookout points on the top of the hills you could enjoy more incredible views of the Bay of Islands.

Shore leave in Otehei Bay.

A majestic tree in Otehei Bay.
It was Friday 11/25 in New Zealand, but it was Thursday night back home – Thanksgiving. We had decided to celebrate Thanksgiving in NZ at the same real time that our families were celebrating back home. We had a wonderful dinner at Alfresco’s in Paihia. No turkey here, but we had fantastic New Zealand venison and lamb.

Thanksgiving Dinner - I had the venison.

Thanksgiving Dinner - Sarah had the lamb.