2003 Rosendahl Family Motorhome Trip

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Boise Layover

Fred Kitchener and I have known each other since we were born. Our fathers worked together for almost their entire careers, we grew up on the same street and shared childhood experiences like Boy Scouts together. His father, Ted, also taught me to flyfish, for which I am eternally grateful.

Fred and his family moved to Boise about 11 years ago, so we see each other only on rare occasions. It was great to be able to spend a couple days staying with Fred and Linda, meeting their kids and renewing relationships.

On Wednesday morning we went for a nine mile bike ride along the Boise River. This picture is near the end of the ride, and most of us are standing for a reason. The river flows through town, and the ride gave us a real appreciation for what attracted them to the area.
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Peregrine After lunch we went to the World Center for Birds of Prey, run by the Peregrine Fund, an organization dedicated to conserving wild populations of birds of prey. I love raptors, and any chance to get up close to one is always appreciated. They had a number of other birds there, many in rehab before being released back into the wild.

Levitation Tricks

Eric is reading Siddhartha as part of his summer reading requirements for school. Here he is in the Kitchener's backyard practicing levitation as inspired by the book.

Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of Lady, their dog. They got her at the pound, she's a mix breed that probably includes Corgi. Lady was very gracious and let Shane stay in her house. Shane on the other hand was kind of a poop - he never really socialized to dogs so he couldn't understand it when Lady tried to play with him; he generally tried to avoid her. His loss.

Albertsons Joe Albertson founded his grocery chain in Boise, and on the way out of town we stopped at the original store to restock. Right after we parked, Fred pulled up next to us and gave Sarah her cell phone which we had left behind. About two minutes after Fred left, Linda pulled up in their other car with Shane's water bowl, which we had also left behind. We're hoping they don't have to chase us all the way to Winnemucca to give us anything else we might have forgotten.

It was so nice to be welcome into a friend's home for a couple days. Great food, conversation, fun stuff to do, a comfortable bed... Thank you very much!

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