2003 Rosendahl Family Motorhome Trip

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The Air Force Academy

Air Force Academy wide view

Air Force Academy Kevin decided awhile ago that he really wants to be a fighter pilot. Enough so that he's planning his life accordingly. While planning our trip, Sarah suggested that we pay a visit to the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs so Kevin could get some exposure to the lifestyle and personal commitments it demands.

The Academy has always been open to the public with tours and a very informative Visitor Center, but ever since 9/11 you have needed an escort to get onto and around the campus. I asked my cousin Greg, who lives in Golden, if he knew anyone on the base. Greg talked to his sister Dayna, who's husband Dave is a contractor on the base. Dave asked a work associate of his, Rick, if he could show us around. Rick, being the great guy he is, was happy to play host to a family he had never met.

Thank you very much Rick, Dave, Dayna and Greg!

Rick spent a generous few hours driving us around the campus to show us the sights. An extra bonus for us was that Rick is the head of the weather station at the Academy, so we learned an incredible amount about the particulars of the area. (For example, during the summer the Air Force Academy gets more lightning strikes than any other place in the United States.) Rick is also retired Air Force so he was able to share his real life experiences with Kevin.

Kevin came away even more interested and excited. Let's all pray for peace.

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