2003 Rosendahl Family Motorhome Trip

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Grand? Junction, R&R by the RR

After Monday's Hummer Tour we had lunch in Moab, gassed up and replenished the cash supply. Then we all buckled in for the easy two hour drive to the RV Ranch at Grand Junction, where we had a two day layover as scheduled R&R (a vacation within a vacation). Not that one would necessarily schedule a vacation in Grand Junction, but we knew we'd be ready for some downtime. The RV park was actually pretty nice, a seeming oasis in the desert of Grand Junction. Unfortunately, it was right next to the train tracks as many of our campgrounds have been. Note to self: check vicinity to tracks in the future.

On Tuesday, the rest day, we headed over to the dinosaur museum. They boast realistic animatronic dinosaurs and have fun interactive exhibits like the two shown below:
For some reason they don't have a cafe at the museum.
Another interactive exhibit.
Kevin's comment: "I feel like I'm young again."

Other than that, we bought innertubes for bicycle tires, watched part of the All Star Game, uploaded web pages and picked up email. Oh, and did eight loads of laundry.

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