EET – PDI and Customers

Full post analyzing PDI’s approach to clients pre-DreamWorks. We had three distinct market segments that had to be treated differently in almost every way. I got through the first 2,217 words; about 2/3 of the way. Hoping to finish it tomorrow. It will be great to have this thought out in detail before class on Thursday. I’ve talked about PDI in pieces in this class, but it was never as cohesive as this.


Worked, and went out to dinner with ETC faculty and Sarah. Didn’t have time today. (I know, I have to make the time anyways.)

EET Customers

Started writing up the Customers portion of my EET class. Only about a third of the way through. Trying to figure out what to say that isn’t already said better in the resources of the class. 679 words.

Life Projects – Writing Exercise

I originally meant this to be usable as a blog posting, but it ended up a recounting of the projects I’ve done (photoblog, health, bread) instead. Rather boring. 1017 words written on a Southwest flight to San Diego.

Notes on grammar

529 words written on my iPad about grammar usage I’ve been reading about. First was Passive vs. Active voice, from Writing Tools. The second part was about the proper use of “myself,” which I looked up after hearing people use it incorrectly so often.

No writing today…

I didn’t write today, but I did read and study quite a bit about writing. I realized that I need to do both if I am going to improve – which is not an excuse for not writing, but a reason to make sure I’m learning.