Author Archives: carl

Life Project Ideas

A written brain dump of ideas for future life projects was the task at hand. It was very successful – fourteen ideas plus another eight general topics. I learned that projects IĀ gravitateĀ to all involve the creation of tangible things rather than just the accumulation of knowledge. There was also one project that was travel related – hiking the Pacific Crest Trail in segments over the course of a year.

1,255 words.

EET – Reworking a class on Financial Statements

This semester I’m taking another step in figuring out how to effectively teach the basics of financial statements to non-business students. Today I worked on various ideas for adding a game element to next Tuesday’s class.

More Blog Comments

Did a couple more comments on posts at VFX Law. This time on VFX biz models. Long enough and thought through enough to warrant getting credit for on this writing project.

Blog comments

Wrote a long response to a blog posting about the how to bankroll a VFX house at VFX Law.

VFX Industry thoughts

The morning after the VES Awards I was filled with thoughts about the state of the FX industry, how it got there and what to do about it. I did a mind dump of those ideas which helped me organize and clarify them. I may figure out a good channel to get them out there for the community. 1,867 words.

Recommendation Letter

I have few recommendation letters to write. This one ended up being 557 words. Between writing and editing it took about three hours. A good letter is very difficult to do. The books I’ve been reading had a very positive impact on the quality of the writing in the letter. I was able to fashion a better story by rethinking a lot of sentence structures – that forced me to find better ways to tell the audience what I want them to know while keeping them engaged. I also paid attention to where in each sentence and paragraph the important words were.

Editing EET Customers

Started editing this document. Didn’t make a lot of changes, mostly kept reading it over and over trying to reorganize the opening.

EET – Market Opportunities

I did a restart writing this section of the EET site. I didn’t get very far (224 words) before I just petered out. This section is unusually hard for some reason.

EET – Customers part 3

Finished up writing in all the sections. Another 1,115 words today. That whole document is now 2,800 words and can use a harsh pruning.