Salisbury Cathedral was a short walk from our hotel.
Built in the 13th century, it is an incredibly beautiful Gothic Cathedral. We listened to an organ recital for a bit before exploring the rest of the church.
Connected to the church and next to the cloisters is a small building with one of four remaining original copies of the Magna Carta housed within. It is a stunning document to see for its historical significance, its age, and the beauty of the script.

Shadow play in the cloisters, and one of only a few pieces of photographic evidence that I was on the trip.
After nap time on the lawn we ducked into The Wig and Quill pub to watch the qualifying round of the F1 race in Montreal. We grabbed dinner at a nice Italian restaurant down the street and returned to The Wig and Quill to watch England vs. USA in the World Cup. Lucky for us, the game ended in a tie – we neither got beat up nor humiliated with our new drinking buddies.