Dec 312008

After breakfast this morning we visited with the resident spider, who lives on a 3 foot wide web just outside the breakfast area. She was the same type as I saw last night, which leads me to assume that they’re not too dangerous. She was busy repairing her web from, one must imagine, a busy night.

Another big spider

Fixing her web.

Split into three groups of about 15 each, we loaded into open tour boats for our first visit with the Tortuguero wild life. In a short amount of time we had already spotted more birds that I could keep track of, giant iguanas, spider monkeys and howler monkeys. The tour lasted about two hours, so we had time to go deep back into some of the canals and listen to the sounds of the rain forest.

Photo Op

Fellow travelers, monkey spotting.

White Faced Spider Monkey

White-Faced Spider Monkey

Howler Monkey

Howler Monkey


Iguana on a log.

Iguana in a tree

Bigger iguana, in a tree.

Hidden Lizard

Find the hidden lizard. Somehow our guide did.

Hidden Lizard - Closeup

Easier to see closeup.


Bats. They live on the underside of this tree’s trunk during the day.

Green Heron

Green Heron.


White Heron.

Back to the lodge for a break, then some more sights.

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