
Home/Tag: geek

Snow Ranch LUNAR Rocket Launch

For Eric's day we went to the LUNAR monthly high-power rocket launch at Snow Ranch in the Sierra foothills. By being so far away from civilization they can get clearance to go to 15,000 feet. Today had a low ceiling, so there were only a few opportunities for the high-power engines. The rocket [...]

January 2nd, 2010|Categories: Photography, Travel|Tags: |Comments Off on Snow Ranch LUNAR Rocket Launch

Why I Shoot in RAW

Ever since I started shooting images seriously for my A Picture A Day project in 2007, I've been shooting in RAW format. RAW saves all the image data the camera collects with minimal processing, as opposed to jpeg which applies color correction, sharpening and image compression to create a final image. By shooting RAW I [...]

July 20th, 2009|Categories: Photography|Tags: |Comments Off on Why I Shoot in RAW

Air Rocket

Built from plans in Make Magazine with a couple mods. Made from a sprinkler valve and PVC (and of course duct tape!), compressed air fires the rocket high into the sky. Our rocket is make of the foam cylinders you wrap around hot water pipes (and duct tape!). It's connected directly to our air compressor [...]

June 26th, 2009|Categories: Photography|Tags: , |Comments Off on Air Rocket

Makers Faire, San Mateo

Last weekend was the Makers Faire - a crazy two day confab of DIYers, Steampunks, rocketeers, and electro-mechanics. I was only able to attend for half day and was so overwhelmed that I didn't shoot much. Camera Obscura This is inside a beautiful camera obscura built by Chris de Monterey. The image is projected via [...]

June 3rd, 2009|Categories: Maker, Photography|Tags: , |Comments Off on Makers Faire, San Mateo

New DIY Intervalometer

The Altoids version I want to do more time-lapse photography without having to trigger the camera manually. I also didn't want to spent over $100 for a professional model, so I built this one for about $20 (not including the empty Altoids tin). It's a snug fit between the electronics, switches, 9V battery and wires, [...]

January 31st, 2009|Categories: Photography|Tags: |Comments Off on New DIY Intervalometer

Full Set of NAMM pictures

I just installed the FlickrTag plugin for Wordpress, which makes it much easier for me to include sets of images, and gives you a really nice lightbox to view them in. Go ahead, click on one... [flickr]set:72157612729453744[/flickr] Sweet, huh?

January 26th, 2009|Categories: Photography|Tags: |1 Comment

Pong Pong

I wrote my first full Flash game over the weekend. It's called Pong Pong and you can play it at It's a simple game. You have two paddles, one that moves vertically along the left wall, and one that moves horizontally along the bottom wall. Balls are served from the upper right corner. Using [...]

December 1st, 2008|Categories: Maker|Tags: |2 Comments

Sudoku Solver

I'm a Sudoku addict. There, I said it. In particular, I like to solve them in pen, and without writing down little numbers all over the place. I take pride in a clean and solved sudoku - just correct numbers in their squares. Over time, I developed a straightforward set of algorithms that I step [...]

November 21st, 2008|Categories: Maker|Tags: |Comments Off on Sudoku Solver

Moved from Movable Type to WordPress

Hey, it works! I moved my blog from using Movable Type over to WordPress. I had two reasons for wanting to do this. First, I wanted a link at the bottom of the main page to older posts. This seems trivial, but Movable Type builds static pages so it's a lot of work to get [...]

November 20th, 2008|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |Comments Off on Moved from Movable Type to WordPress
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