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1 tsp Salt?

From my 100Loaves blog. I learned that there's a 50% variance in the amount of salt you might be adding to your recipe if you use a simple tsp to measure it. It depends very much on the type of salt you use, and it can really screw up your results. More here: It's the [...]

March 6th, 2012|Categories: Photography|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 1 tsp Salt?

Waffle Dogs

Ironically, I saw this recipe on TV while I was working out at the gym. Just a few easy steps! Fry up a batch of breakfast sausage. Skewer them. Dip them in waffle batter. Deep fry. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Dip in syrup. Yum.

December 31st, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |Comments Off on Waffle Dogs

EA Lunch

I'm continually impressed with the cafeteria at Electronic Arts. Thursday's lunch was this incredible leg of duck over spring vegetables, drizzled with a pomegranate Balsamic vinaigrette sauce. Yummy. Shot on my Droid.

April 16th, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |Comments Off on EA Lunch

Chocolate Fountain

We got a hold of this for Kevin's birthday. It took a bit to get it to flow properly, but once it did - wow. Delicious and fun. Strawberries, marshmallows, poundcake, bananas, Starburst(!?) and more were available for bathing. Eventually followed with this:

March 27th, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |Comments Off on Chocolate Fountain

Pink’s Chili Dog with Fries

I debated whether to put this in my blog or not. But Pink's makes the best chili dogs in LA. In fact they're so good we drove down from Stanford one night my Freshman year just to have them. Thanks, Jeff, for the suggestion this time!

October 4th, 2009|Categories: Photography|Tags: |Comments Off on Pink’s Chili Dog with Fries

Fresh Potato Chips

Slice, fry and eat. Making potato chips for dinner at my sister's ranch. Most of them didn't make it to the dinner table - a sad casualty of having five people standing around while they're being cooked. Potatoes, peanut oil and sea salt.

August 3rd, 2009|Categories: Photography|Tags: |Comments Off on Fresh Potato Chips


Celebrating my birthday early this year, and everyone gets their choice of cake. Me first... And this is what happens when you spend too long taking pictures of the food rather than eating it.

June 25th, 2009|Categories: Photography|Tags: |Comments Off on Mine

More Food

Hot Chocolate - Kevin stole my mug We spent a lot of time cooking this holiday season. Most of our family gifts included homemade breads and other goodies, plus we cooked our usual holiday meals. In honor of our new kitchen, most of my gifts were cookbooks. (The cookbooks are also great photography books!) Highlights [...]

December 26th, 2008|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |Comments Off on More Food

Rolly Pollys

Sarah's grandfather would make Rolly Pollys from scratch on occasion. Though they seem to be a lot like cinnamon rolls, her grandfather would prepare them for dessert. Tonight we did the same. The dough is simple, and more like a crust than bread. Here's his recipe: ROLLY POLLYS 4 cups sifted flour 1/4 teaspoon salt [...]

December 21st, 2008|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |Comments Off on Rolly Pollys

How Not To Do A Dipped Cone

We went to Fosters Freeze today to satisfy my craving for a chocolate dipped soft serve, only to find out THEY WERE CLOSED TODAY! On a Sunday! We then headed over to 31 Flavors, which I normally like. The guy behind the counter warned me not to get dipped ice cream on a cone, but [...]

November 2nd, 2008|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |Comments Off on How Not To Do A Dipped Cone
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