Home/Tag: CMU ETC

Vision and BHAGs

In the class I’m teaching at CMU on entrepreneurship we talked about setting a long term vision for your company. I used Jim Collin’s research as a framework for the discussion, in particular setting a Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) and having a vivid description of what life will be like when that goal is [...]

January 17th, 2011|Categories: CMU ETC|Tags: , |Comments Off on Vision and BHAGs

ETC Team Photos for Spring ’10

Team photos for our five student teams from the ETC. You can learn more about the projects at our ETC Silicon Valley blog. These are fun to take - there's a wonderful challenge in trying to convey something about the students and their project. PlayOnSocial - Creating a social media game for NHN in [...]

February 10th, 2010|Categories: CMU ETC, Photography|Tags: , , |Comments Off on ETC Team Photos for Spring ’10


I should have colored the glasses yellow. Did anyone NOT shoot pictures of people wearing 3D glasses today? This shot was taken at a Superbowl party with a bunch of my west coast CMU friends - all Steelers fans.

February 1st, 2009|Categories: CMU ETC|Tags: |1 Comment

ICON2008 in Busan, Korea

First view of Korea I just returned from the ICON2008 International Content Creator's Conference in Busan, Korea, which I was invited to attend as a keynote speaker. I was busy enough that I didn't post while on the trip, but I'm going to break the trip down into a few different posts here. [...]

September 7th, 2008|Categories: CMU ETC, Talks|Tags: |Comments Off on ICON2008 in Busan, Korea

DreamWorks Educators' Symposium

I spent Monday at DreamWorks' Glendale campus as a part of their Educators' Symposium. It was fun to be back on campus - this time as an invited teacher, which made it rather unique. Alex McDowell gave an in depth talk about design for live action and animated features in the digital age, including examples [...]

August 12th, 2008|Categories: CMU ETC|Tags: |Comments Off on DreamWorks Educators' Symposium
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