A Picture A Day

Archive for the ‘Graphic’ Category

November 30th, 2007

November 30, 2007 – Theo Scar Site?

So this is really just a funny story. Sarah was googling our family and found a page that mentioned me and my PDI partners, Glenn and Richard. She showed me the page and I asked her what the site was. She squinted at the screen and said “Theo scar site?”

I checked it out to figure out why a site like that would mention us. Then we just cracked up for the next ten minutes.

July 12th, 2007

July 12, 2007 – Bay Bridge

Bay Bridge
37°48’43.83″N 122°21’45.85″W
San Francisco Bay Bridge, looking towards Oakland. Heavily processed using Picassa2 to get the high contrast and color palette. I’m only mildly happy with this image.

July 10th, 2007

July 10, 2007 – AFM

I spent most of the day programming, so I was pretty burnt by the end of the evening. I found an old AFM (atomic force microscope) in the garage and wrote out my feelings with 60 xenon atoms (all I had around).
As if.