Images and video created from video shot on my Canon 7D at the Fresno County Fair, October, 2010.
Best viewed at 720p, full screen, with the sound cranked up.
Images and video created from video shot on my Canon 7D at the Fresno County Fair, October, 2010.
Best viewed at 720p, full screen, with the sound cranked up.
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[…] Rosendahl programmed his own slitscan software using C++ and shot the above video on his Canon 7D. Carl has also built some cool hardware, check it out! [Thanks, Charlie] Read the […]
I know all about slit photography with film (photo finishes, Andrew Davidhazy, etc.) but I just can’t imagine how it would be done with software. What DOES come to my mind is a video tape running over the drum heads, but only touching the drum at one point–that one point being like a slit through which the heads “see” the tape.
But frankly, I get corns on my brain trying to visualize what would show up on the screen!!! Is what I imagine anything close to what you do electronicly?
Beautiful and eerie carnival video! love the music!
Hey Carl – nice stuff, and surprising to see that this was your blog, after coming here independently looking for more slitscan stuff. I too play around with custom image processing and slitscan. Here are a few of my tests:
Awesome results. Also really enjoyed looking at the other images in your blog posts.
Hi – I was pointed to this today, looks great, very nice use of my music. Thanks. Ergo
I’m a student of film production at Ball State University. I’m obviously extremely interested in the different facets of editing and shooting, and I’m trying to learn many different techniques. I also have a Canon 7D which I just got a couple of months ago, and so I have been using it for my projects in class (really all I have at my disposal, as far as editing goes, is Final Cut Pro and After Effects).
I’ve been looking all over about how to achieve the slit-scan effect, and I can’t find a single good description of how to do it, manually or otherwise. This is an effect I really want to learn. Is there any way you can explain it to me or teach me? Hopefully the tools I have are enough, but if not, I would be willing to gather the needed software or materials.
Thank you very much for any help or guidance you can give!
Are you willing to share the software that you wrote?
I want to play with that software!
I have watched the video many times over, have shown it to virtually every friend and family member I know.
I love how it demonstrates some odd behavior in observations through time/space.
Does your software allow for a non planar (curved or otherwise nonlinear) surface for intersection of the image stack?
I’m always a fan of seeing those with a programming background do interesting things with photo/video.
Love it.
Great work.