Loaf 38 – A Seeded Whole Wheat Original Apr08

Loaf 38 – A Se...

Loaves 9 and 10 were Seeded Whole Wheat loaves using a recipe from the first bread class I took at Sur La Table. They were terrible failures, though the one we made in class was excellent. I still don’t know what we did in class that wasn’t reflected in the recipe. Now that I have...

Loaves 21 thru 23 &#...

San Francisco Baking Institute – Day 1 The San Francisco Baking Institute (www.sfbi.com) is a professional baking school. In addition to their full our professional courses, they offer week long and weekend long classes for those of us not quite ready to get a degree in baking. I signed up...

Loaf 10 – Seeded Whole Wheat #2, A New Beginning Jan21

Loaf 10 – Seed...

I tried this loaf again. The results were a bit better, but still far from right. This time I mixed the ingredients the minimum amount to get them blended with the seeds worked in, this amounted to about 10 minutes less kneading of the dough. In addition to being faster and easier, the dough...

Loaf 9 – Seeded Whole Wheat, a failure Jan15

Loaf 9 – Seede...

I tried to make the Seeded Whole Wheat Boule that we made in the bread class – it was one of my favorites, a surprisingly sweet nutty loaf that would make wonderful sandwiches but is also nice alone with butter. This version came out heavy and chewy. The flavor is nice, but I get very...

Loaves 3 thru 7 R...

One of the reasons I decided to do this project is that Sarah gave me bread classes for Christmas. I attended the “2-Day Artisan Bread Workshop” with Chef Deanna Gin last weekend at Sur La Table in Palo Alto. The class was three hours each day. The first day we made English...