Sourdough Starter at Home

I just signed up for a two day class on sourdough breads at the San Francisco Baking Institute at the end of February. SFBI Weekend Workshops

I’ll be ready to learn because I’m planning to do quite a few sourdough loaves before then – I should have plenty of questions.

To make a sourdough, you need a starter, so today I started a natural sourdough starter – I’ll be able to make my first loaf with it next weekend assuming it comes alive. It will be a “Just South of San Francisco Sourdough,” we’ll see if my local natural yeasts and bacteria are close to SF’s. We’ll also see if this is a smart move for a first time Sourdough baker – most of the things I’ve been reading online recommend using a guaranteed starter the first few times you make sourdough.

Sourdough Starter, step 1