Mother Sourdough Starter!
The “Just South of San Francisco Sourdough” starter has been moving along. For Phase 3 I fed it and moved it into a measuring cup so I could more accurately tell how much it had grown. What started as 3/4 cup grew overnight to 1 3/4 cup. It was right on schedule, so the next step was to begin the Mother Starter.
The Mother Starter is dough with living yeast that can live in the fridge, and with regular feedings (about every five days) can provide the sourdough yeast for a continuing stream of bread.
To go from Seed Starter to Mother Starter involved feeding it again, letting it grow a bit, degassing it (punching out the bubbles), and retiring it to it’s new home.
As of the morning of 1/28, that is done!
Making bread using the Mother Starter takes a bit of time, so I probably won’t try making a loaf from it for another week.
- Took it to phase 3 with some more food (flour and water). Overnight it went from 3/4 cup to 1 3/4 cup.
- Step 1 in going to “Mother Starter” – take a 1/4 cup of seed starter and feed it.
- The beginnings of the Mother Starter. Too sticky per directions, but I’m not ready to go messing with the instructions.
- Degassed and ready for another night.
- It rose some move overnight, showing it’s still alive.
- It’s Official!