Sourdough Starter Restart Feb06

Sourdough Starter Re...

After my sourdough bread failure made with my starter (Loaf 15), I’ve hypothesized that my starter had gone stagnant. I restarted it by taking a portion of the mother starter and feeding it with flour and water. It’s living in the fridge now, but after a day of living on the...

Loaf 15 – Sour...

This weekend I tried to make sourdough bread with the home grown sourdough starter I made. It failed. The final dough never rose, so I suspect the mother starter had lost its power. Step by Step Following the directions in Reinhart’s “Artisan Breads Every Day,” on Saturday...

The Secret to Day Old Bread Feb02

The Secret to Day Ol...

The bread I baked last night was delicious last night, but by sandwich time at lunch today the crust had gone soft. Very disappointing. To remedy that problem at dinner tonight I put the boule into the oven at about 300° for between five and ten minutes. The crust became wonderfully crispy...

Loaves 14 – French Baguettes and a Boule Feb01

Loaves 14 – Fr...

This is a follow-up attempt from Loaf 11, my French baguettes that only tasted okay. This time I used the same recipe, but corrected what I thought were the errors from last time. The dough came out too sticky again, so I added a bit more flour until it became tacky. I handled the dough more...