My first LED strip project was a vertical one-dimensional fireworks display. It’s 2 meters tall with 120 LEDs driven by an Arduino Uno.
Here’s the code for the Arduino.
#include <FastLED.h> #define NUM_LEDS 120 #define DATA_PIN 6 CRGB leds[NUM_LEDS]; // sets up block of memory #define NUM_SPARKS 61 // max number (could be NUM_LEDS / 2); float sparkPos[NUM_SPARKS]; float sparkVel[NUM_SPARKS]; float sparkCol[NUM_SPARKS]; float flarePos; float gravity = -.004; // m/s/s void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, DATA_PIN>(leds, NUM_LEDS); } /* * Main Loop */ void loop() { // send up flare flare(); // explode explodeLoop(); // wait before sending up another delay(random16(1000, 4000)); } /* * Send up a flare * */ void flare() { flarePos = 0; float flareVel = float(random16(50, 90)) / 100; // trial and error to get reasonable range float brightness = 1; // initialize launch sparks for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { sparkPos[i] = 0; sparkVel[i] = (float(random8()) / 255) * (flareVel / 5); // random around 20% of flare velocity sparkCol[i] = sparkVel[i] * 1000; sparkCol[i] = constrain(sparkCol[i], 0, 255); } // launch FastLED.clear(); while (flareVel >= -.2) { // sparks for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { sparkPos[i] += sparkVel[i]; sparkPos[i] = constrain(sparkPos[i], 0, 120); sparkVel[i] += gravity; sparkCol[i] += -.8; sparkCol[i] = constrain(sparkCol[i], 0, 255); leds[int(sparkPos[i])] = HeatColor(sparkCol[i]); leds[int(sparkPos[i])] %= 50; // reduce brightness to 50/255 } // flare leds[int(flarePos)] = CHSV(0, 0, int(brightness * 255));; FastLED.clear(); flarePos += flareVel; flareVel += gravity; brightness *= .985; } } /* * Explode! * * Explosion happens where the flare ended. * Size is proportional to the height. */ void explodeLoop() { int nSparks = flarePos / 2; // works out to look about right // initialize sparks for (int i = 0; i < nSparks; i++) { sparkPos[i] = flarePos; sparkVel[i] = (float(random16(0, 20000)) / 10000.0) - 1.0; // from -1 to 1 sparkCol[i] = abs(sparkVel[i]) * 500; // set colors before scaling velocity to keep them bright sparkCol[i] = constrain(sparkCol[i], 0, 255); sparkVel[i] *= flarePos / NUM_LEDS; // proportional to height } sparkCol[0] = 255; // this will be our known spark float dying_gravity = gravity; float c1 = 120; float c2 = 50; while(sparkCol[0] > c2/128) { // as long as our known spark is lit, work with all the sparks FastLED.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < nSparks; i++) { sparkPos[i] += sparkVel[i]; sparkPos[i] = constrain(sparkPos[i], 0, NUM_LEDS); sparkVel[i] += dying_gravity; sparkCol[i] *= .99; sparkCol[i] = constrain(sparkCol[i], 0, 255); // red cross dissolve if(sparkCol[i] > c1) { // fade white to yellow leds[int(sparkPos[i])] = CRGB(255, 255, (255 * (sparkCol[i] - c1)) / (255 - c1)); } else if (sparkCol[i] < c2) { // fade from red to black leds[int(sparkPos[i])] = CRGB((255 * sparkCol[i]) / c2, 0, 0); } else { // fade from yellow to red leds[int(sparkPos[i])] = CRGB(255, (255 * (sparkCol[i] - c2)) / (c1 - c2), 0); } } dying_gravity *= .995; // as sparks burn out they fall slower; } FastLED.clear();; }