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December 2007 Archives

December 2, 2007

"Natural Arch"

Final post in A Picture A Day, and the original photo.
Natural Arch Natural Arch - before

The original image was shot in RAW format, which basically retains all the original data that the camera grabs before it's converted to a .jpg file. The clouds look completely blown out, as does the sun's reflection in the water. If I shot it directly as a .jpg image, this is what I would have.

Adobe Lightroom can work with the full dynamic range of the RAW file, which allowed me to selectively adjust the exposure in the clouds while still keeping detail in the shadow areas of the arch.

I also did a minor amount of cropping (basically to make it a 5x7 ratio), and cloned out the red lens flare in the middle of the arch which I though was overly distracting.

About December 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Photoblog in December 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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